CORVIT CONSULTING provides certification trainings & services in regards to research and insights mining, brainstorming and GInI Breakthrough Innovation Method, Design Thinking, innovation project structuring, GInI Innovation Management System, the different roles of the Innovation Manager, leading and building innovation teams, engagement & intrapreneuring, open innovation, innovation storytelling, and idea selection.
CORVIT is GInI Authorized Training Provider (ATP)®.
GInI’s Professional Certification Program involves five unique certifications, each based on a corresponding professional examination. View the descriptions below to determine which of these best matches your education, experience, and professional needs. The five certifications are:
– Certified Innovation Professional (CInP)®
– Certified Design Thinking Professional (CDTP)®
– Certified Innovation Strategist (CInS)®
– Certified Chief Innovation Officer (CCInO)®
– Authorized Innovation Assessor (AInA)®