Learn techniques for effectively managing workplace stress to improve productivity and personal well-being.


Gain clarity and increased capacity of mind to overcome life’s challenges. Our special training provides both physical and cognitive techniques to overcome negative influences of stress and to escalate aptitude to bounce back from adversity. Stress is experienced by our bodies in a similar way as our mind reacts to anxiety. Stress effects the humans physically, emotionally and mentally and it can lead to range of early warning health signals. Stress management is all about finding the right balance between the negative effects of stress whilst simultaneously benefiting from the positive effects of stress.


By the end of the programme the participants would be able to:

  1. Respond appropriately to disruptions, deadlines, targets and competing demands on time
  2. Gain mastery over mind and emotions and respond to other especially in challenging situations
  3. Evaluate critical situations more clearly and remain calm at the moment of conflicts and prevent situations from escalating
  4. Reduce the effects of negative emotions on decision-making
  5. Understand and communicate more effectively with difficult employees / customers.
  6. Learn environmental & physical relaxation techniques to achieve significant relief from insomnia, high blood pressure, discomfort and other stress-related conditions


  • Department Heads

  • Production Managers

  • Administrative Employees 


At a glance

What you'll get

  • Facilitator-led discussion
  • Interactive group sessions
  • Self-reflection activities
  • Skills practice and group discussion


  1 day

Maximum group size

Upto 20 people per group

  1. What is stress?
  2. Signs of stress
  3. Distress VS Eustress
  4. Identify workplace stress
  1. Handling mental stress
  2. Handling emotional stress
  3. Handling physical stress
  4. Handling self-stress
  5. Reducing stress through time management
  6. Improve intelligence to reduce workplace stress
  1. Physical relaxation techniques 
  2. Environmental relaxation techniques 
  3. Using routines to reduce stress 
  1. Altering the situation and Identifying appropriate situations
  2. Creating effective actions
  3. Avoiding the situation and Identifying appropriate situations
  4. Accepting the situation and Identifying appropriate situations
  5. Knowing when to seek help
  6. How can friends and family help
  1. Online Negotiation Vs Physical Negotiation
  2. Telephone negotiation
  3. Email negotiation
  4. Online negotiation
  5. Effects of IT on negotiation