Communication is best judged by the effect it has on others and the impact it generates to achieve results.


Highly effective communication skills are invaluable assets in today’s business world and active speakers have superior control over their voice, tone and body language. Good communication is about exchanging information, ideas and opinions effectively with those around us. One of the commercial challenges these days is about learning specific business communication styles for sharing concerns. Communication is the critical building block of a successful organization. Our special programme on communication skills is designed for experts who are looking to improve their skills to become more assertive.


By the end of the programme the participants would be able to:  

  1. Understand the elements that make up the communication dynamic
  2. Learn how to listen actively and be assertive effectively
  3. Learn how to utilize pitch, tone, speed and body language appropriately in work place
  4. Understand own communication style and adjust approach based on need and situation
  5. How to best influence others confidently in the workplace
  6. Write clearly and persuasively
  7. Enhance the value of meetings attended


  • Suitable for anyone wanting to improve their communication skills



At a glance

What you'll get

  • Facilitator-led discussion
  • Interactive group sessions
  • Self-reflection activities
  • Skills practice and group discussion


  1 day

Maximum group size

Upto 20 people per group

  1. What is effective communication
  2. Communication process
  3. Elements of interpersonal communication  
  4. The importance of communication skills
  5. Common barriers to effective communication
  1. Face to face communication
  2. Voice Tone
  3. Body language
  4. Verbal communication
  5. Physical communication
  6. Attributes of an effective communicator
  1. Formal communication
  2. Writing effectively
  3. Put the main point first
  4. Complexity of the topic
  5. When and when not to write
  6. Know your audience
  1. What is assertiveness
  2. How to be assertive?
  3. Benefits of being a good speaker
  4. Express yourself in a positive way
  5. Be open to critiscism
  6. Learn to say ‘no’
  1. Listening is Not the Same as Hearing
  2. Principles of Listening
  3. Listening Types
  4. Active Listening
  5. Listening in difficult situations
  1. Why we meet
  2. Planning an agenda for productive meeting
  3. Active listening and speaking in session
  4. Keeping the participants engaged
  5. Concluding meeting
  6. Communication in virtual world
  1. Personal appearance
  2. Body language, posture and proximity
  3. The importance of self-confidence
  4. Show your Passion and Connect with your Audience
  5. Turn your training presentation into Learning