Managing a sales team is one of the most critical positions in a company


Managing a sales team is one of the most critical positions in a company. As a sales leader, you shape the engine that powers the growth of the entire business. Great sales managers have profound impact on the productivity of their sales teams and produce outstanding results. Effective sales manager needs the coaching guidance for maximizing impact on sales performance.

Learn how to maximize team productivity, drive breakthrough innovation, and secure a competitive edge for your company through our High Impact Sales Manager training. This program provides frontline sales managers with proven skills, knowledge and tools they need to drive bottom line performance. This sales management program explores effective strategies for analyzing different route-to-market options, managing multiple channels, strengthening sales teams, and adapting to changing market dynamics. 


By the end of the program the participants would be able to:

1.Develop a Sales Vision to support the organizational vision to clarify goals, inspire the team, and set the direction for the future.
2. Build a team of high performing sales professionals.
3. Develop the full potential of your team with proven sales coaching techniques.
4. Develops both the technical and behavioral skills of your sales leaders.
5. Offers your leaders and managers the ability to drive results within their teams.


  • Corporate Sales Managers
  • Newly Promoted Sales Managers
  • High Potential Salespeople
  • Experienced Sales Managers


At a glance

What you'll get

  • Facilitator-led discussion
  • Interactive group sessions
  • Self-reflection activities


  2 days

Maximum group size

Upto 20 people per group

  1. Recruiting challenges
  2. Developing STAR profile
  3. Interviewing candidates using STAR questions
  4. Using STAR tools for selection
  5. Screening candidates
  6. Making hiring decisions
  1. Role of sales manager
  2. Managing behavior and results
  3. Implementing sales performance systems
  4. Managing sales performance tools
  5. Managing sales pipeline
  1. Managing vs coaching
  2. Developing a coaching mindset
  3. Discussing issues in performance
  4. Sales coaching models
  5. Sales coaching tools
  1. Sales leadership vs sales management
  2. Creating sales vision
  3. Using sales leadership tools
  4. Influencing the sales team
  5. Improving personal abilities
  6. Creating long term development plan